The Gentleman
of Russell Square
created by Chris Neville-Smith
originally performed by Neil Gander,
Heather Prestwich and Teresa Hagger
A small project I took on in 2016, which I would love to take further if the opportunity ever comes up.
The bad news? It's going to be an absolute bugger to take this further. The start of the story is easy enough as a three-hander. After that, you really need the full cast of seven this was written for. And it's also a real bugger to keep the running time down to something manageable - not so much an issue for a scratch night, but a deal breaker if this was ever to be a full performance.
But I haven't forgotten about this, and if I ever get the chance to make more of this, I will.
Past Performances
City Theatre (excerpt): 28th October 2016
Gala theatre studio (excerpt): 22nd October, 2013
story and music by Chris Neville-Smith
with Neil Gander as The Gentleman
Heather Prestwich as The Maid
and Teresa Hagger as The Housekeeper
Costumes: Kate Lawrie
Projector: Pete Hagger