So October might look like a quiet month for me, but there's still a lot going on behind the scenes. Not in a position to announce anything major yet, because a lot of this is still at the stage of sounding out ideas. But I hope to have something public before too long.
There is one thing I can share with you though, which is that I have been hard at work re-rehearsing Doctor Coppelius for Edinburgh Horror Festival. I'm not expecting much overlap in audiences from my previous shows in Sacriston and Buxton, but if you have seen it before, there's been a lot of rework since last time. The last third has been heavily refocused on the journey from naive exile to distrustful loner. I've also added a hat and cane to my costume. Here we are.

So the previously announced news is that this is going to Edinburgh Horror Festival at Banshee Labyrinth on the Sunday 3rd November at 4.00 p.m. But the additional news I can now share with you is that I have also got a performance coming up at Laurels Whitley Bay on Thursday 21st November at 2.00 p.m. If you're wondering why the unusual time, this is part of A Play and a Pasty, which is supposed to be for reading and works in progress, which mine was at the time I asked about this. However, it's been postponed a couple of times and you've now got the polished version.
(Yes, I know, why aren't there any performances closer to Durham where I actually live? I like going to these festivals, but, I know, it's absurd that some of us have to travel 100+ miles to perform their own work. Bear with me. Maybe one of these days I can do something about it.)
Eeek. Edinburgh in 12 days away. A lot more rehearsing to do.