Hello you!
"I really must get round to updating my website"
Chris Neville-Smith (said for several years before he got round to doing anything)
Welcome to my playwriting website. I'm Chris Neville-Smith, best known online for my theatre blog. But when I'm not reviewing other people's work or making snarky comments about the state of theatre in general, I do create my own theatre. I've been particularly active at Brighton and Buxton Fringes with productions that I've written, produced, or both. I've also been active in technical support for other plays, particularly sound design. And also I do a comedy gameshow.
Please don't expect a sales pitch here. I enjoy my self-deprecation too much to take this too seriously. But if you've been wondering what I've been up to, what I've got coming up or just want to say hi, welcome!
I have done sound design and tech support for a number of projects, including:
Looking for the blog?
My main digital presence is my theatre blog which I've been running since 2012. I deliberately do not cover my own work on there, and I'm also cautious about covering anybody who I work with. However, in spite of being hard to please, I keep getting invited to review plays, mainly at Edinburgh and Brighton Fringes. If you want to know what I think of other plays, or you enjoy seeing me regularly biting the hand that feeds me, come on over and have a look.