A Nasty Little Play
written and directed by Alan Godfrey
produced by Chris Neville-Smith
Not one of my plays, but I played a big role getting it on the fringe circuit. After making appearances at Buxton Fringe in 2013 and 2014, I was quite keen to keep my presence up, but didn't have something for 2015. However, Alan Godfrey (who had a cameo in my play in 2013) wanted to take something he'd done. We arranged this so that he would write and direct this, and I would handle all of the logistics for Buxton Fringe, including venue/fringe liaison and publicity.
This was set in a 1950s sex shop, at the time when anything as racy as a lady wearing stocking and suspenders was up here with XXX-rated porn movies. It was also a time with the bizarre laws that naked ladies on stage was art just as long as they kept still - the moment they moved, however, it was the height of indecency. As so, in my publicity role, I had to look through an awful lot of pictures from saucy 1950s magazines to find the perfect picture of stockings and suspenders. I do believe I'm going straight to Hell.
Anyway, I'm somewhat envious, but this sold extremely well. It seems that 1950s-level smut is very popular.
Past Performances
Old Church Sacriston (preview): 13th July 2015
Underground Venues, Buxton Fringe: 19th - 22nd July 2015
written and directed by Alan Godfrey
produced by Chris Neville-Smith
performed by Alan Godfrey, Neil Gander, Michael Fletcher, Caroline Chapman, Hazel Geldard and Chris Neville-Smith