About me
Does anybody actually read this page? Never mind, let's put something here.
I'm Chris Neville-Smith, and I'm based in Durham. This isn't my day job, my day job is in software testing. I started off doing this as a side interest, persisted out of sheer bloody-mindedness, and now it's taken over my life.
I've currently got two strands of play writing projects going. One is small-scale projects that I can produce on my own. Those things you can mainly see at Buxton and Brighton Fringes, although I have done the occasional local performance in Saltburn and Whitley Bay too. The other strand is the occasional piece of writing for Elysium Theatre Company, also based in Durham.
My main work with Elysium Theatre, however, has been with the sound design. Since Elysium Theatre set up in Durham, I've done sound design in most of the plays. I also do sound design for the plays I'm doing for myself, and indeed that was what got me picked up for professional work in the first place. I don't actively seek out more sound design work, but I'm quite happy to consider working with anybody who asks.
And I can also direct. I used to do quite a lot of plays for Durham Dramatic Society, but that is now on hold indefinitely (long story). So if you're a local society that is short of people to direct and you think this is the sort of play I'd like to get my hands on, now's a good time to ask.
And I suppose you want a photo of me too. Fine. I've put it on the right of the page.
Oh, you've made it this far? That's the end. I've done an FAQ page if you want to read on, or if you're really bored I've got a privacy policy page which apparently all websites are supposed to have.

Also in this section:
Frequently asked questions: Your go-to for frequently* asked** questions***.
Privacy policy: If you click on this link you have too much spare time.