Things I've done for the stage
This was just a bit of fun I had a few years ago, but it was surprisingly popular. It began when I idly wondered why the humble Limerick is being passed over in favour of "serious" poetry forms like the sonnet. What would have happened if the great Shakespeare himself had written a play in Limericks instead.
However, I figured that after the first hours, the joke of doing a Shakespearian tragedy in Limericks might
wear a bit thin. Probably better to shorten it. And if we're going to
cut it, why not make the most of it and zip through the play at warp
speed 9?
I have had the odd request for more Shakespeare plays in this format, with
the suggestion that this might be useful for schools. Schools are
welcome to this one, and I do intend to get round to another at some
point, but believe me, at the moment I have a huge backlog of things to
do. If you prod me I might get a move on, but for now, this is what
you're going to get. So here it is:
The Tale of Macbeth. In Five Minutes. In Limericks. (As pdf.)
© Chris Neville-Smith, 2006/2012
Permission granted, until further
notice, to re-use the sample page provided it is not for profit and I
credited as the author. Full conditions of use on the script.
Copyright (seeing as all websites seem to need this kind of notice
at the bottom of the page) © 2011-2013. I will probably give permission to
anyone who wants to reproduce any part of this page, but please ask me
first. This is my own personal web page and not affiliated with Durham
Dramatic Society or any other group I am involved in.